Aesthetic Filling

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Aesthetic filling, which is frequently used instead of amalgam filling in recent years, is known as a filling method that solves deficiencies and damaged conditions in teeth without causing any appearance concerns. Thanks to these features, aesthetic fillings made in the color of the tooth can be applied to both anterior and posterior teeth. Aesthetic filling, which is adhered with a special light technique, is being used more and more because amalgam fillings do not meet aesthetic expectations.

What is Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

Fillings that are adjusted according to the patient’s original tooth color and therefore cannot be visually distinguished from the person’s natural tooth enamel are called aesthetic fillings. Aesthetic tooth filling is designed by dentists to be in the form of natural teeth in shape and color. With the application of aesthetic tooth filling, it is not intended that the color of the filling and the color of the person’s tooth match exactly, the filling boundaries are not clear, so that the tooth is not understood when viewed with the naked eye from the outside. Thanks to aesthetic tooth filling, everyone can now have the opportunity to have a natural and beautiful smile.

Aesthetic dental fillings are divided into two as composite filling and ceramic filling. Composite material is used in the composite filling process. The material used in the porcelain filling process is usually porcelain. Porcelain fillings are mostly used in teeth where the caries is very advanced and the material loss is high with the cleaning of the caries.

How Is Aesthetic Tooth Filling Made?

Aesthetic tooth filling is a simple procedure and can be performed in a single session. Before starting the aesthetic tooth filling process, the area is anesthetized using local anesthesia. Superficial caries may not require anesthesia. However, most of the time, regional anesthesia is applied before the aesthetic tooth filling, eliminating the possibility of the patient feeling pain and pain. The decayed tooth tissue is cleaned with the use of instruments specially designed for this purpose. The opened cavity is specially shaped by the dentist for better adhesion of the filling material. Then, a process called beveling is applied to increase the bonding surface to the area where the composite filling will be made. Surface expansion is made by rounding the fill edges with the beveling process. And as a result of the process, the filling is bonded more strongly to the tooth tissue.

There are nerves sensitive to pain in the part of the tooth called the pulp. In order to reduce the sensitivity of the flake to stimuli, materials that reduce pain transmission can be placed on the base of the opened quality for filling purposes. In cases where the decay also reaches the side walls of the tooth, a filling mold is used to ensure that the filling is smooth and does not overflow. The tooth surface is made rough by applying an acidic substance to the tooth. Thus, the filling bonding surface is increased. Then the mouth is cleaned by washing the acidic substance.

An application called bonding, which enables the bonding of the tooth filling material to the tooth surface, is performed. Composite filling material is prepared in appropriate consistency and color. It is placed in the opened space in thin layers. Each time it is irradiated, it is hardened. If the mold is used, it is removed. Excess teeth and heights, if any, are corrected. It is ensured that it becomes smooth with the rasp tool. The filled teeth are polished and the process is completed.

Not neglecting the care of teeth after aesthetic dental filling applications is considered one of the most important points to be considered. Teeth should be brushed regularly with suitable toothpaste, and the spaces between teeth should be cleaned with dental floss. It is not recommended to use a hard toothbrush and toothpastes with whitening and harsh abrasive materials containing microgranules. Because if the polished surface of a tooth with an aesthetic tooth filling wears faster, the polish is lost.

Is Aesthetic Filling Harmful?

Aesthetic dental fillings do not cause any harm to teeth and gums.

Who Is Aesthetic Filling Suitable For?

Aesthetic tooth filling can be applied to people who need to repair broken and rotten teeth, treat permanent discolorations in teeth, close the gaps between the teeth, lengthen the teeth, and make a smile design by changing the shape of the teeth.

Dentists can determine whether their patients’ teeth can be filled or not by using several different methods. First of all, they check the color changes in the teeth. In another method, caries paint can be used. Teeth are shaken with the used caries paint. If there are bruised areas, the paint is expected to adhere. With the X-ray method, carious surfaces can be easily visualized. However, x-rays may be insufficient to detect some small bruises. Of course, filling is not only a procedure applied in case of caries, but also the suitability of cracked and broken teeth for filling is meticulously determined by dentists.

Patients generally prefer the use of white fillings because they look better and healthier in terms of aesthetics. However, which type of filling will be applied; It is determined by the dentist on a patient-specific basis according to the location of the caries, the state of the caries, the distance of the surrounding teeth and the living tissue of the tooth.

Aesthetic Filling Prices

Aesthetic filling procedures can be performed with very reasonable budgets. However, there are many different factors that affect aesthetic filling prices. For this reason, it can be misleading to talk about an exact number. Factors such as the experience of the dentist, how many teeth are filled, and whether there is a different treatment that needs to be applied to the tooth are effective in determining the prices.


Esthetic filling is an esthetic treatment for usually anterior teeth. The material may have varying translucency that will help achieve a natural look. Esthetic fillings can be used to fill the gaps between teeth as well.


Just like composite fillings, there may be wear and tear and discolorations after 1-1,5 years.


If the bonding was successful, esthetic fillings do not come off. Bonding agent cannot tolerate water contamination. So if during procedure water/saliva in the mouth was not effectively removed this may compromise the filling. Survival of the filling in the mouth also depends on the quality of bonding material and holding time.


The dentist builds the missing part of teeth by filling it with tooth-colored composite fillings.


They will stay in the mouth for about 2 years.

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