Implant Treatment

implant tedavisi

Having missing teeth is an important problem both in terms of oral and dental health and in terms of cosmetics. Thanks to the developing technology, the interest in implant treatment, which has been developed as an alternative to bridge and prosthesis treatments traditionally used in dentistry, is increasing.

What is Implant Treatment?


implant; An artificial tooth root, usually in the form of a screw, placed in the jaw to replace the missing teeth in the mouth is called an implant. Implant treatment is applied by placing dental prostheses on screws made of titanium. Because the jawbone perceives titanium as a part of the body, implants are mostly made of titanium. Implants have a very high success rate thanks to their high tissue compatibility.

Since the adjacent teeth do not need to be cut during implant treatment, it is considered advantageous over other treatments. Thanks to the implant tooth that acts as a root, the person can eat, laugh and talk as easily as their natural teeth. Today, implant treatment is one of the most applied treatment methods, both because the chewing sensation is closest to normal and because it is a treatment that can be applied without the need to interfere with other teeth.

How long does the implant treatment?


Although one week is usually sufficient for implant treatment, treatment can be performed in one day thanks to self-dissolving sutures. However, in this case, a temporary prosthesis cannot be made. The first stage is implant treatment, and in the second stage, the implant is expected to fuse to the bone within a period of approximately 3 – 6 months. Then, within a week, porcelains that will be placed on the implant are made.

In implant treatment, which is a surgical procedure and performed under local anesthesia, the construction time of a single implant is approximately 10-15 minutes.

How Is Implant Treatment Performed?

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Patients who will be treated with implants must meet certain criteria. Therefore, careful evaluation of the patient by the dentist directly affects the success of the treatment. In addition to the suitability of body health for surgical intervention, a detailed clinical evaluation of the patient is made. It is determined what kind of prosthesis will be made, in which areas the prosthesis will be applied and how many implants will be placed. In determining how many implants will be placed in which regions and in which position, in addition to the film showing the entire lower and upper jaw and called panoramic, volumetric computerized tomography, which shows the existing bone structure in three dimensions, can also be used.

Implant treatment is performed under sedation, general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Measurements of the patient’s jawbones and remaining teeth are taken. Implants placed to support the prosthesis to be fitted, in other words, titanium screws, which can also be counted as artificial tooth roots and can be used for a long time, are placed in the patient’s jawbone. For each implant, this time is approximately 10-25 minutes. In order for the placed implants to replace the real tooth root, they must fuse and match with the jawbone, and for this, they must first adhere to the jawbone. Although this period is generally between 3 and 6 months, it can vary from person to person depending on the bone structure. During this period, the implants are in a position to carry the prosthesis to be placed on them and they are ready for the last stage of the implant treatment. When the patient has a very strong bone structure, the healing process can take much shorter and tooth placement can be done in a shorter time. In order for all these stages in implant treatment to take place, the patient must have a strong bone structure and healthy gums. In patients who cannot fulfill these conditions, additional bone surgery can be applied.

Within the scope of additional bone surgery applications; The thickness and height of the bone, which is not of sufficient strength and size for implant treatment, can be increased by supplementing with bone powder under local anesthesia. Approximately 6 months should be waited for the bone powder placed with the patient’s bone to displace and reach sufficient strength for implant support.

In Which Situations Is Implant Treatment Applied?

Implant treatment can be applied to people over the age of 18 who have completed their jaw and facial development. Before the treatment is applied, x-rays are taken to determine whether the patient’s jaw structure is suitable for implant treatment. If implant treatment is to be applied to diabetic patients, the disease must be brought under control before starting the treatment. In patients using blood thinners, the drugs are discontinued under the control of a doctor before the treatment. It is recommended that patients with osteoporosis start implant treatment after receiving appropriate treatment.

Implant treatment can be applied to people who have at least one or more missing teeth, whose bones are sufficient for fixing the implants or who can make bone grafts, who have healthy oral tissue, who do not have diseases that will negatively affect bone healing, and who do not want to wear dentures.

Implant treatment cannot be applied to people who have undergone radiotherapy in the head and neck region and to people whose bone development has not yet been completed. Since smoking suppresses the healing of wounds in the mouth, it can reduce the success of the implant. For this reason, people who smoke too much are not considered suitable candidates for implant treatment.

Implant treatment is not applied in some heart diseases, blood coagulation problems, rheumatic diseases, uncontrolled diabetes, in cases where the bone structure in the jaw is not suitable and is insufficient or anatomically risky, and in cases where the patient cannot fully provide oral hygiene after implantation.

What Should Be Considered Before Getting a Dental Implant?


Implant treatment is a surgical procedure and its application by maxillofacial surgeons who are experts in their fields and who are adequately equipped is considered to be an extremely important issue. Otherwise, you may be faced with irreversible problems that may occur after the treatment. Before getting a dental implant, the patient should inform his doctor about all the details about his health, his diseases, if any, and the drugs he uses. In addition, full compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor before and after having a dental implant plays a major role in the success of the treatment.

Implant Treatment Prices


The prices of implant treatment, which gives the closest results to the natural tooth, may be slightly higher than other dental treatments. Although it is a more expensive treatment, the amount paid can be a small price considering the comfort and benefits it will provide in the future. The prices of implant treatment, which is a long-term treatment, may vary depending on factors such as how many implants will be applied, which implant will be used, and the quality of the material used.


It is the restoration of lost teeth with the use of titanium screws placed  in the jawbone. In case of a single tooth restoration, this means placing a crown over a titanium “root” without the need to cut the adjacent teeth.


Implant treatment is for people whose bone growth has stopped. This is around 21 years of age for women and 25 for men.


It is for patients with single, multiple or total tooth loss. If there’s enough bone, treatment is immeadiate. If there’s not enough bone, bone augmentation is performed before implant treatment can begin. 

Those who have recieved osteoporosis treatment 2-3 years are not good candidates for implant surgery as any surgery in these patients may lead to serious complications.

Candidates for implant treatment should have good general health and have good blood count.

Diabetic patients can have implant therapy provided that their diabetes is under control.


If there’s enough bone, it is possible to perform immeadite loading of implants on the first appointment. Then there’s a wait period of about 2-4 months for recovery and osteointegration of the implant. Then the implant is ready for the placement of the porcelain. 

In cases where bone augmentation is necessary, there is an additional wait period of 3-4 months for bone generation.

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