Porcelain Dental Veneers

Having beautiful teeth and healthy smiles is one of the most important factors that increase people’s self-confidence, and on the contrary, it can cause a lack of self-confidence. With the porcelain dental veneer method, aesthetic concerns on the teeth can be eliminated and people can get a better quality smile. Thanks to the porcelain tooth coating, people can achieve the ideal mouth functions as well as the smile they want. In order to obtain the most effective results, the dental prosthesis of each patient is designed individually according to the tooth in need in the porcelain tooth coating method. In the meantime, the highest level of care is taken to ensure that it is of a quality and quality that can represent the natural appearance.

What is Porcelain Dental Veneer?

The dental veneer technique obtained from porcelain and used to cover the surface of the original tooth is called porcelain tooth veneer. Porcelain veneer is known as a cosmetic and reparative treatment method applied to correct the defects in the teeth. The shape, color and size of crooked, damaged or gaping teeth can be changed with porcelain veneers. After tooth measurement and mold studies are carried out, porcelain veneers are designed and produced in laboratories specifically for the patient. These nail-thick shells are glued onto the teeth.

How is Porcelain Dental Veneer Made?

Veneers take the form of thin shells that are placed over existing teeth to improve their appearance. At the first appointment in porcelain veneer treatment, the patient is informed in detail about the procedure. His teeth are examined and x-rays are taken if necessary. A model is created by measuring the patient’s existing teeth, or a three-dimensional image of the teeth is obtained with the help of computer technologies. In the dental laboratory, veneers are prepared using these models or images. Although it usually takes 2-3 weeks for the veneers to be ready, this time may vary depending on the number of teeth to be veneered.

The patient’s teeth are cleaned in detail and the most accurate color is determined for the veneers. In order for the veneers to adhere easily to the teeth, the enamel layer of the tooth is slightly eroded, and the measurement is taken again. The patient is given a temporary veneer until the porcelain veneers are prepared.

When porcelain veneers are ready, it may be preferred to place them temporarily for a few days to observe the fit before they are permanently attached to the patient’s teeth. At the end of this period, if there is a consensus on the color and form between the patient and the dentist, the veneers are fixed with the use of a special adhesive. It is hardened by light curing. Excesses are cleaned and the teeth are polished. In order to check how the gums react to the veneer, the patient is called for control a few weeks after the porcelain tooth veneer process is completed.

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After the porcelain dental veneer treatment, patients should stay away from extremely cold or extremely hot foods and beverages, hard and sticky foods for at least a week. Porcelain dental veneers can maintain their durability for a long time if good oral hygiene is provided. In order to achieve this, it is recommended to brush the teeth regularly with a non-abrasive toothpaste, to use dental floss twice a day, and to rinse the mouth after each brushing.

Although the probability of staining porcelain veneers is low, avoiding acidic foods and beverages in order to prolong their life, and limiting the consumption of coffee, tea and cigarettes are among the points to be considered. Avoiding blows that can damage the teeth, being careful when eating hard foods, especially not doing the tearing process with the front teeth are considered as the most important factors that prolong the life of porcelain veneers. In addition, it is of great benefit for people who have the habit of clenching or grinding their teeth to use the protective plate at night.

Why Should We Have Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain dental veneers provide an aesthetic appearance by eliminating tooth disorders. At the same time, porcelain tooth coating method can be used to eliminate jaw closure and asymmetric closure disorders. Porcelain tooth is one of the effective methods used in filling the areas with tooth loss.

What is the Difference Between Porcelain Veneer and Zirconium Teeth?

In the porcelain coating method; Durability is ensured by metal-supported coating process. Metal bridge is used for porcelain coating made with a substance called dental ceramic. This metal is mostly composed of gold or platinum. Steel durability can be obtained by making cobalt alloys to these metals, which are used to increase durability. However, metals are not considered fully compatible with teeth and gums. They also do not have light transmittance. For this reason, it is possible to move away from the natural tooth color. In the porcelain veneer method, the color of the metals is darkened so that they can be fixed on the tooth. And a dark substance is placed under the tooth. For this reason, a purple color can be seen around the gums over time. This can cause gingival recession as well as discoloration. Porcelain veneer may not fit the gums properly. Depending on this, there may be a gap between the tooth and the veneer. In these intervals, food residues can accumulate, odor can occur in the mouth and teeth can rot. Porcelain veneer method can be a disadvantageous situation for patients who have an aesthetic appearance concern. Since it has no light transmittance, it cannot reflect the natural tooth color. A matte and dull color can be obtained. It is obvious that it is artificial, especially in the front teeth. In the porcelain tooth veneer method, the thinning, cutting and filing processes are intervened in the natural teeth. A large amount of thinning can be applied so that the porcelain to be placed on it does not stand in the container.

Zirconium dental veneer; It is used in the field of dental veneers without metal support. Since the zirconium material has light transmittance, naturalness in tooth color can be achieved. Thus, the formation of an artificial appearance on the coatings can be prevented. Zircon content does not harm the patient’s gums or the surface of the tooth. It also adapts easily. It is no different from natural teeth in terms of hot – cold permeability and sensitivity. While making zirconium veneer, natural teeth are interfered as little as possible. Less thinning and filing is done during the coating process. Although zirconium is thin and transparent, it also has a very solid structure.

How Much Are Porcelain Teeth Veneers Prices?

Porcelain dental veneer prices are specific to the patient; It may vary depending on the treatment method to be applied, the length and size of the procedure. The material and amount of the coating to be used are also among the factors that cause the prices to change. Since the number of sessions to be applied is also effective in determining the porcelain tooth veneer prices, porcelain tooth veneer prices are shaped after the first examination when the treatment is started.


The cost of the porcelain veneer procedure depends on the treatment modality, the extent and length of the procedure. The quality and quantity of the material used will influence the final price as well. The total cost of the treatment will only be more clear after the initial examnation since the number of sessions can also change the price.


The procedure involves the trimming of teeth and placing a sheath over them. The teeth are cut, a dental imoression is taken and then artificial teeth that will be placed over trimmed teeth are fabricated in a dental laboratory. Then they are placed onto the teeth.


Porcelain veneers could be used to correct extensive decays, fractures, misalignments and discolortations.


Porcelain veneeers are good against discolorations because unless the varnish on them wears off, they will remain resistant to staining and they protect the teeth against fractures.


Anybody who has teeth can wear porcelain veneers. For people with missing teeth, porcelain veneer can be affixed onto implants.

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