Tooth Stone Cleaning

diş taşı temizliği hizmeti

Oral care should be done regularly at all ages in order to protect the teeth and oral health, which are responsible for preparing the food for digestion by grinding, as well as to prevent gum diseases, tooth decay and tooth loss. Oral and dental care includes the steps to be taken after each meal, such as brushing the teeth regularly, using dental floss, and cleaning teeth. Depending on the lack of regular and correct oral and dental care or due to some environmental factors, tartar and stains may occur on the teeth. In this case, dental cleaning applications made by dentists using special equipment may be needed.

What is Teeth Cleaning?

The acidic environment created by the foods consumed in the mouth and the residues left by the foods on the teeth can cause the accumulation of bacterial plaques on the teeth. It is necessary to brush the teeth regularly in order to clean bacterial plaque, remove food residues in the mouth and teeth, and neutralize the acidic pH in the mouth. If oral and dental care practices such as brushing and flossing are not performed regularly, the bacterial plaques formed on the teeth remain for a long time. In this case, the bacteria can damage the tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. Some bacterial plaque also hardens and forms dental calculus. Dental calculus, which has a very hard structure and cannot be removed by normal tooth brushing, may need to be cleaned by dentists using special equipment. With tartar cleaning, also known as tartar cleaning or calculus cleaning, it is possible to clean the tartar that can be noticed on the teeth due to its yellow or brownish color, which is formed as a result of the hardening of the bacterial plaque on the teeth.

Is Teeth Cleaning Harmful?

It is stated by experts that dental calculus cleaning is not a harmful application. Dental calculus, which is formed as a result of the hardening of bacteria into plaques; It can cause many oral and dental health problems, especially bad breath, gum diseases, tooth discoloration and caries. In order to prevent problems that may even cause tooth loss in the future, it is considered a very correct step to have tartar cleaning done.

diş taşı temizliğiWho is suitable for tartar removal?

It can be applied to every adult individual, as no damage is caused to the tooth enamel during scaling. However, dental calculus cleaning cannot be performed for children and patients with deciduous teeth. Since the milk teeth will fall out when the time comes, there is no need to clean the tartar formed at this stage. Teeth cleaning can also be done on dentures, which are generally preferred by the group over 65 years old.

How Is Teeth Cleaning Performed?

Before dental scaling is performed, the patient must undergo a detailed oral examination. After the examination, if problems that require tartar cleaning are detected, the procedure can be applied. Tartars and plaques on the tooth surface are cleaned with the use of various tools during tartar cleaning. These tools do not damage tooth enamel, but only remove plaque and tartar that have covered the surface of the tooth. After the procedure, a clean and smooth appearance can be obtained on the tooth surface. In addition to plaque and tartar cleaning, applications for whitening and brightening can be performed on teeth with discoloration, if deemed necessary. Teeth cleaning has a very important place in preventing gingivitis as well as problems that can progress to gum recession and tooth loss.

Even in people who regularly take care of their mouth and teeth, the formation of dental calculus may recur every few years due to some minerals found in foods and saliva. The scaling process usually starts with the use of ultrasonic devices. These tools enable dental calculus to be cracked by vibration. After the large tartar is separated from the teeth with this process, water is sprayed into the mouth and the spilled layers are cleaned. Then, small scales are cleaned with fine tools. This process is continued until all the tartar accumulated in the curved parts of the teeth and between the teeth is cleaned. After the tartar is completely cleaned, the cleaning process is terminated by applying tooth polish or pastes containing fluoride.

After the scaling procedure, the patient should not eat or drink anything for 2 hours, and stay away from hot and cold things for the first 24 hours. It is possible to have pain in the gums and cold-hot sensitivity for a few days after scaling cleaning, and this is considered natural. An external ice pack can be applied to the gums to relieve mild swelling. If mild pain is felt in the first days, it may be sufficient to use painkillers prescribed by the doctor. Gargling with salt added to a glass of warm water can be beneficial to accelerate healing.

Teeth cleaning after tartar cleaning is considered a very important point. Teeth cleaning can be a bit of a challenge for the patient right after the treatment. However, the need to continue brushing and flossing is emphasized by experts. Since light bleeding can be seen in the first days, the use of antiseptic mouthwashes may also be recommended. After the scaling is applied in the later stages of gingival diseases or when calculus is intense, there may be some shaking of the teeth. After the scaling, it is necessary to go to the dentist for a check-up every 6 months. If necessary, the dental scaling process can be repeated by the dentist.

How Many Minutes Does Teeth Cleaning Take?

Teeth cleaning is usually completed within 10-15 minutes. However, the high density of the tartar may cause the procedure time to be prolonged.

Teeth Cleaning Prices

The prices of scaling cleaning may vary according to the patient’s intraoral condition, the density of calculus, and the doctor or institution performing the application.

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  • clockMid-week09:00 – 18:00
    Saturday 09:00 – 18:00
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